Although a bit lengthy of a process, making your own cannabutter at home can be a quick, cheap and easy way to “spice up” your cooking. Substituting cannabutter for regular butter can elevate any recipe to a whole new level!
What You’ll Need:
- Baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- Oven
- Saucepan/stockpot/double boiler/slow cooker (depending on the quantity being produced)
- Mesh strainer or cheese cloth (three layer is best)
- Container for your final product
- Cannabis grinder (if needed)
In my neck of the woods, it is much cheaper to purchase your flower already ground from the dispensary. Check with your local dispensary to see if this is also the case in your area!
1 cup of unsalted butter (2 sticks)
1 cup water
1 cup ground and decarboxylated flower (about 7-10 grams)
For a milder effect, just reduce the amount of cannabis.
First and foremost,
Always, always, ALWAYS DECARB your cannabis!
To do this, set your oven to 245 degrees Fahrenheit (118 degrees Celsius)
Cover your baking sheet with your parchment paper and spread out your cannabis over the sheet
Place your baking sheet with the cannabis in the oven for 30-40 minutes. This baking process allows the THC to activate, giving the psychoactive effects the forefront in your final product.
Gently mix your cannabis around every 10-15 minutes to ensure the buds are exposed on all sides at some point.
You can also set your oven at 300 degrees and heat for 10-15 minutes, but it is recommended to use the low-and-slow method to preserve the terpenes and cannabinoids during this process.
- Grind up your cannabis. Grinding your cannabis up into smaller particles is ideal, although make sure not to grind it into a fine powder, as this could possibly pass through your strainer and end up in your final product.
- Melt your butter. On low heat, melt 1 cup of butter in whichever vessel you choose. Then slowly add your water. This will help keep the heat low and ensure your butter does not burn.
- Add your decarboxylated cannabis to your butter. Simmer this mixture between 160- and 200-degrees Fahrenheit for about 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. You do not want this mixture to come to a full boil. This will result in burning out the cannabinoids in your butter.
- Time to strain! Place your cheese cloth or strainer over the container you would like to store your butter in and pour the butter/cannabis mixture through. DO NOT squeeze the cheese cloth! This will result in your butter having a bitter, plant-like taste.
- Chill! Place your container in the fridge for a few hours or overnight (recommended) to help your butter solidify and you’re all set! You can use this cannabutter in any recipe your heart desires!
To test the potency of your butter, it is best to first try some on some toast and wait about an hour to see how it affects you. If the effects seem too strong, you can always substitute half of your butter in your recipes and replace the other half with regular butter. If you would like your butter a bit stronger, simply add a bit more cannabis to your batch to boost the strength.
I hope you found this article helpful and please feel free to check out our information on dosing and how to calculate the percentage of THC in anything you are making here! Have fun!
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